The application for membership to be made in writing to the President of the Association shall be made in the form of acceptance or rejection of membership within maximum thirty days of the board of directors of the association and the result shall be communicated to the applicant in writing. The member accepted for the application is recorded in the book which will be kept for this purpose.
The original members of the association are those who are accepted as members of the board of directors upon application of founders and founders.
Those who have provided substantial support for the association in material and spiritual terms can be accepted as honorary members by the decision of the board of directors.
When the association’s branch is opened, the records of registered members in the center will be transferred to the branch. New membership applications are made to the branch. Acceptance of membership and deletion from membership shall be carried out by the branch management boards and shall be notified in writing to the Head Office within maximum thirty days.
In order to become a member of the Association, it is necessary to submit a written petition to the board of directors with the proposal of two members and the following documents in addition to this.
They have contributed to the development of reproductive medicine through their studies and have served for many years in the profession and in the association. To be an honorary member, you must be 65 years old and not ethically punished
Members having these criteria are evaluated at the association’s board of directors by the recommendation of at least two members of the board of directors and the honorary membership certificate is presented in ceremony at the opening session of the scientific meeting of the first endometriosis association.
Honorary members are exempted from contributions, participate in the general assembly without paying registration fees for scientific meetings, without voting rights. For honorary members who are not citizens of Turkish Republic, conditions for having Turkey to be promoted and for serving Turkish reproductive medicine, age limit and right of residence in Turkey are not required.
Honorary members appoint a member from among themselves as Honorary President upon invitation of the board of directors. The honorary president is the person who has been symbolized in every aspect during his career. The honorary president may participate in the board of directors meetings without voting rights, and may make suggestions and contributions.
Article 4 – Separation from Membership
Each member has the right to leave the association, in writing, in writing. The exit procedures reached by the board of directors to the resignation petition administration committee are deemed to have been completed. The departure from membership does not end the accumulated debts of associates.
Article 5 – Removing Membership
The cases that need to be removed from membership of the association,
The file of the attitude and conduct of the member shall be made available at the latest within one month after being examined from the Discipline Board and presented to the board of directors. The member of the board of directors shall be notified of the issuance of the withdrawal penalty. This person will not be taken into membership again. Where the board of directors deems it necessary, the text and reasons for such decision shall be forwarded to the appropriate authorities.
Members who are removed or removed from the association are deleted from the member registry and can not claim rights to the association property.
Article 6 – The association units are shown below
Organization of the General Assembly of the Association, meeting time, call and meeting procedure:
Article 7 -The General Assembly is the most authoritative decision making body of the association; which formed by only registered members of the association;
General Assembly;
1- At the time of the ordinary in this particular statute,
2- In the event that the board of directors or supervisor deems it necessary, or if it is required by the members of the association, it shall meet extraordinarily within thirty days.
The Ordinary General Assembly convenes every three years, in September, at the day, place and time to be determined by the board of directors.
The general assembly is called by the board of directors.
If the board of directors does not call for a general meeting; the judge over the application of one of the members shall appoint three members to convene the general assembly.
Call Procedure:
The Board of Directors shall arrange a list of members who are entitled to attend the general assembly according to the association’s charter. Members who are entitled to attend the General Assembly shall be invited to the meeting by being announced at least 15 days in advance, day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by written or electronic mail.
If a meeting can not be held due to the lack of a majority in this call, the date, time and place of the second meeting shall be indicated. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting can not be less than seven days, not more than sixty days If the meeting is adjourned for any reason other than the reason for failure to hold the majority, it shall be communicated to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including reasons for withdrawal. It is mandatory that the second meeting be held within six months at the latest from the date of withdrawal. The members are recalled to the second meeting according to the principles stated in the first paragraph.
The general assembly meeting can not be overdue.
Meeting Procedure:
The General Assembly convenes with the attendance of the absolute majority of the members entitled to participate, in the case of amendments to the charter and the annulment of the association, In case of postponement of the meeting due to the failure of majority, the majority in the second meeting is not sought. However, the number of members attending this meeting can not be less than twice the number of members of the board of directors and auditors.
The list of members who are entitled to attend the general meeting is available at the meeting place. Identification documents issued by the official authorities of the members who will enter the meeting place are checked by the members of the board of directors or the officials assigned to the board of directors. The members enter the meeting place by signing in front of the listed names arranged by the board of directors.
If the number of the meeting is provided, the situation is determined by a record and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the members of the board of directors he will appoint. If a sufficient number of meetings can not be provided, a minutes shall be issued by the board of directors.
After the opening ceremony, a chairman and a chairman of the board of directors are elected to manage the meeting. In the case of votes for the selection of the units of the association, it is mandatory for the voting members to show their identities to the council and to sign the names on the member list.
The administration of the meeting and the provision of security are under the responsibility of the chairperson.
In the general assembly, only the items on the agenda are discussed. However, it is mandatory that members of the meeting who are present at the meeting take the necessary matters into consideration in writing by one-in-one.
Each member has one vote in the general assembly; The member has to vote personally. Honorary members may attend general meetings but can not vote. If the legal entity is a member, the president of the legal entity or the person appointed by the proxy shall vote.
The topics discussed and decisions taken at the meeting are written in a paper and signed together by the chairman and the secretary. At the end of the meeting minutes and other documents are delivered to the chairman of the board of directors. The chairman of the board is responsible for maintaining these documents and delivering them to the newly elected management board within seven days.
Article 8 – Unless a decision is taken in the General Assembly, the election of the members of the board of directors and the board of auditors shall be voted by secret ballot and the other decisions shall be voted openly. Secret votes are the votes cast by the president of the meeting, or by the casting of papers or ballots that have been sealed by the members after they have been made.
In order to be elected to the board of directors, there must be no criminal proceedings or sanctions on the member. Candidates for the executive board are obliged to be present at the general assembly.
On that account, the method specified by the president of the general assembly shall be applied.
Resolutions of the General Assembly can only be taken by a majority of the members attending the meeting, and the amendments to the charter and resolution of the association can only be taken by a two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.
Non-Assembly or Non-Assembly Decisions:
Decisions taken with the written participation of all the members together and the decisions taken by all the members of the association come together in a way that does not comply with the calling procedure written in this statute. Decision making in this way is not a regular meeting.
Duties and Authorities of the General Assembly:
Article 9 – The following matters are discussed and settled in the general assembly;
1- Selection of association bodies,
2- Changing the charter of the association,
3- Discussions of the reports of the management and audit committees,
4- The budget prepared by the board of directors shall be discussed and accepted,
5- The supervision of the other bodies of the association and, if it is deemed necessary,
6- Examination of the objection against the decision of the board of directors about the rejection of the membership or removal from membership,
7- Authorization of the board of directors to purchase the immovable properties required for the association or sell existing immovable properties,
8- To examine the regulations to be prepared in connection with the activities of associations on the board of directors and to approve them by the same or amendment,
9- The fee to be paid to the non-executive chairman and members of the board of directors and auditors of the association, and to all kinds of appropriations, allowances and compensation, To determine the amount of daily and travel expenses to be assigned to the members to be assigned,
10- To decide to join and leave the federation,
11- Deciding to open the branches of the association and authorizing the board of directors on this issue,
12- The Association shall be engaged in international activities, participation or separation as a member of foreign associations and organizations,
13- Founding of a foundation,
14- Termination of the association,
15- Examining and recommending the other proposals of the board of directors,
16- As the most authoritative organ of the Association, the organization should be able to see the works that have not been given to another organ,
17- To fulfill the other duties stated in the legislation to be made in the general assembly,
18- Decision to make procedure in accordance with the law in the law for the association to be considered as a public benefit association,
Duties, Functions and Authorities of the Board of Directors:
Article 10- The Board of Directors shall be elected by the general assembly as seven principal and five alternate members.
At the first meeting after the election, the board of directors decides the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and member by secret ballot, open voting method. It is imperative that the elected president and vice-president be present at the board of directors meeting. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association may be elected for two working periods without interruption.
The board of directors may convene at any time, provided all members are informed. It is collected by the presence of one more than half of the total number of members. Decisions are taken by the majority of the total number of members present at the meeting.
In case of resignation or other discharge from the board of directors, it is mandatory for the substitute members to call the relative members according to the votes of the general assembly. If the chairman of the association resigns, the vice-chairman automatically resumes the chairmanship for the remainder of the term, but can not be considered to have exercised any chairmanship for a maximum of two terms. If both the chairperson and the deputy chairperson resign, the substitute members are re-elected for the vacated positions, vacated by secret ballot or open counting, following the completion of the board of directors. If the number of members of the Board of Directors falls below the number of members of the Board of Directors after the introduction of substitute members due to their resignation, the General Assembly is invited to the extraordinary meeting within one month by the existing board members or supervisory board.
Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors:
1- To represent the association or to authorize one or more of its members to do so,
2- To make transactions related to income and expense accounts and to prepare the budget for the next round and submit it to the general assembly,
3- To prepare the regulations related to the association activities and submit them to the approval of the general assembly; 4- To sell the movable and immovable property of the association, to make the building or facility, to make a lease agreement, to pledge mortgages or the same rights Installing,
5- To ensure the execution of the procedures related to branch opening by the authorization given by the general assembly,
6- To ensure the supervision of the branch offices,
7- To ensure the opening of representative offices where necessary,
8- To implement the decisions taken in the general assembly,
9- To organize a report explaining the operation of the association business table or the balance sheet and income table at the end of each activity year and the board of directors,
10- Ensuring the implementation of the budget,
11- To decide whether to accept members from the Association or to withdraw from membership, 12- To receive and implement all kinds of decisions within the authority to realize the purpose of the association,
13- To make other duties assigned to the legislation and to use the authorities.
The board of directors of the association convenes with absolute majority, decisions are taken by majority vote. If the excuse is not accepted by the board of directors without consent, the board shall automatically terminate if the board fails to attend the board meeting two consecutive times or twice in total during the year.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities of the Audit Board:
Article 11 –The Supervisory Board shall be elected by the general assembly as three principal and three alternate members. The conditions for being nominated for a supervisory board are the same as those for board membership. The supervisory board shall conduct its first meeting immediately after the general meeting and elect a chairman and a secretary by means of secret ballot open counting. The term of office is up to the term of office of the board of directors.
Duties and Authorities of the Audit Board:
Supervisory board; Whether the management board operates in line with the work items indicated to be pursued for the achievement of the purposes indicated in the constitutional regulations and whether the books, accounts and records are kept in compliance with the legislation and association regulations, audits by periods and not exceeding one year according to the principles and procedures established in the association charter, To the board of directors and to the general assembly when convened.
The supervisory board calls the general board meeting when necessary.
Board of discipline
Article 12
a- The Board of Directors of the Association elects three primary and two substitute members among members who have at least 10 years experience in prestige and rehabilitation medicine and endometriosis fields. The term of office is up to the term of office of the board of directors. These members elect a president and a secretary by voting by secret ballot, open counting among themselves.
b-To be elected for the Disciplinary Board: In addition to the conditions stated above and required for the actual membership in the statute, it is still necessary to actively work or to work on a profession.
c- Disciplinary Board tasks: Profession works for the protection of dignity, taking all kinds of precautions and suggestions in this regard. The Association examines membership applications for compliance with the terms of membership and reports the opinion to the board of directors. The Association evaluates the complaints and files referred to it by the Board of Directors in terms of procedures and principals in the frame of laws, regulations, regulations and directives, writes reports about the contents of the files and proposes sanctions.
d- The Discipline Committee takes its decisions on the basis of voting majors and makes investigations to ensure that the investigation files sent to them are prepared for the first meeting of the board of directors and returns the report and the file containing the decision of the board to the Board of Directors.
The authority to establish a supplementary investigation commission is only for the board of directors.
The Discipline Board meets with the legal advisor as circumstances permit. The president of the association or a member appointed from within the board may attend this meeting, exchange information, but not vote.
Other committees, commissions and working groups:
Article 13
In addition to the above-mentioned continuous commission, the association management committee may form committees and subcommittees that serve for a continuous or limited period of time in order to carry out activities in line with the aims of the association in accordance with the conditions of the day, in the following areas of interest. The coordinators of these groups are elected by the board of directors for a three-year working period. All members, including members of the association organs and candidate members, may be included in the working groups. Group coordinators may be re-elected by the board of directors.
a. Endometriosis and genetics
b. Endometriosis and immunology
c. Endometriosis and molecular biology
d. Endoscopic and other endometriosis surgery to.
e. Treatment of endometriosis-associated pain
f. Endometriosis-related infertility treatment
g. Data collection for endometriosis
h. Endometriosis public education program planning
i. Extra genital endometriosis
j. Adenomyosis
k. IVF
l. Endometriosis and diagnostic methods of adenomyosis
m. Experimental endometriosis
The Association Income Sources:
Article 14 – The income sources of the association are listed below.
1- Membership: Entrance to the membership and annual contribution is 50 TL in 2009. Entrance fees and annual fees for the following years are determined by the board of directors. Membership fees are sent to the bank account of the Association Board
2- Branch payment: 50% of the member payments collected by the branches to meet the general expenses of the association are sent to the headquarters every six months
3- Scientific and social revenues: The net profits to be obtained from the organization of the scientific meetings of the conferences organized by the Association’s Board of Directors are under the name and scientific support of the Endometriosis Society — 40% of the net profits Shall be deposited into the account of the association at the latest 30 days following the closing of the meeting bookkeeping.
4- Revenues to be earned from books and periodicals: Income from all printed publications received from the association’s budget shall be treated as revenue to the association’s budget. In case of establishing an economic enterprise for publishing and distribution of publications, the income of the annual association is transferred to the association.
5- Donations and aids: donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the donation acceptance and aid collection law and the relevant legislation. Income is recorded directly to the association account.
6- Income derived from the assets of the association: Income derived from assets of the association’s movable and immovable property.
7- Other Income: The association website is the advertising and sales income from electronic publications.
Bookkeeping Principles and Procedures of the Association to be held Notebooks:
Article 15- Basis of bookkeeping;
In the association, a book is kept on the basis of the business account. However, if the annual gross income exceeds TL500 thousand, a book is kept on the balance sheet basis starting from the following accounting period
In the event that the balance sheet is taken into consideration, if it is deducted below the above mentioned limit in two accounting periods, it can be converted to the business account basis as of the following year.
A book may be kept on the balance sheet basis with the decision of the board of directors irrespective of the above mentioned scale.
In the case of the opening of a business of a business association, a book is kept for this business enterprise as well as the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law.
Registration Procedure:
The books and records of the association shall be kept in accordance with the procedure and procedure specified in the Regulations of Associations
Keeping Books:
The following books are kept in the association.
a) The books to be kept on the basis of the business account and the principles to be followed are as follows:
1-Decision Book: Decisions of the board of directors are written in this book in date and order, and the members participating in six meetings are signed.
2- – Member Registration Book: The identity information of the members who are members of the Association, the dates of entering and leaving the association are processed in this book. Entrance and annual contributions amounts paid by members can be processed in this book.
3- Document Register: This document is recorded with incoming and outgoing documents, date and sequence number. The original copies of incoming documents and outgoing documents are filed. Incoming or outgoing electronic mail is stored by retrieving the output.
4- Fixture Book: The date of acquisition of the fixtures belonging to the association and the way they are used or where they are used and the period of use are deducted from the register.
5- – Business Account Book: The income and the expenses made on behalf of the Association are processed in this book openly and regularly.
6- Receipt Document Book: Serial number and serial number of receipt documents, dates and dates of receipt of these documents and names, surnames and signatures of returners and return dates are processed in this book.
b) The books to be kept on the basis of the balance sheet and the principles to be followed are as follows:
1- The books registered in sub-paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 of sub-clause (a) shall also be kept in case of bookkeeping on balance sheet basis.
2- Bookkeeper, Big Book and Inventory Book: These books are made in accordance with the rules of taxation and the General Communiqué on Accounting System Implementation published in the light of the tax procedure law and the authorization given to the Ministry of Finance by this law.
Consignment of Books:
Before starting to use books which are obligatory to be kept in the association, the provincial associations shall be approved by the directorate or notary public. The use of these books is continued until the pages are finished and the books are not checked. However, the books kept on the basis of the balance sheet and the books with the form or continuous form leaf are obligatory to be re-certified every year in the last month before the year to be used.
Income Statement and Balance Sheet Arrangement:
In case of keeping records on the basis of the business account, “Business Accounts Table” will be prepared at the end of the year (31 December) (as specified in the Regulations of Associations, Annex-16). If a book is kept on a balance sheet basis, the balance sheet and income statement shall be prepared at the end of the year (31 December) on the basis of the General Communiqués on Accounting System Implementation published by the Ministry of Finance.
Association Income and Expense Transactions:
Article 16- Documents of income and expenditure;
The revenues of the association are collected by the “Receipt Certificate” (which is an example of the Associations Regulation Annex-17). Documents such as a receipt or statement of account prepared by the bank in the event that the proceeds of the association are collected through banks shall be replaced with a certificate of receipt.
Association expenses are made with expenditure documents such as invoice, retail sales receipt, self-employment receipt. However, the Association is subject to the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law for the payments covered by Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, and the “In-kind Aid Certificate” for the payments not included in this scope (which is included in Appendix-14 of the Association Regulations). The deliveries of free goods and services to be made by persons, institutions or organizations are accepted with the “Same Donation Receipt Certificate” (which is included in Appendix-15 of the Regulations of Associations).
Received Documents:
“Receipt Documents” (in the form and size shown in Annex 17 of the Association Regulations) to be used in the collection of the association revenues are printed on the printing board by the resolution of the board of directors.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Associations concerning the submission and control of receipts, the collection of records from the printing press, the registration of books, the transfer of receipts between old and new treasurers, and the receipt of receipts collected by the person or persons collecting income on behalf of the association .
Licence of authorization:
The person or persons collecting income on behalf of the association shall be determined by the decision of the board of directors by specifying the period of authority. “Authorization Certificate” (including an example of the Associations Regulation Annex-19) containing the open identity, signature and photographs of the persons to collect income shall be issued by the Association in triplicate and approved by the chairman of the association’s board of directors. Certificates of authority are awarded to a unit of associations. Amendments to the authorization certificate shall be communicated to the associations unit within fifteen days by the chairman of the board.Certificates of authority are awarded to a unit of associations. Amendments to the authorization certificate shall be communicated to the associations unit within fifteen days by the chairman of the board.
Individuals who collect income on behalf of the association may start to collect income only after a period of authorization documents issued to their names is given to the associations unit.
The use, renewal, prosecution and other matters of authority shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Regulation on Associations.
Income and Expenditure Documents Hide Time:
Except for the books, receipt documents, expenditure documents and other documents used by the association are kept for 5 years in accordance with the number and date order in the books they are registered with, except for the periods specified in special laws.
Article 17- The Association shall, within the first four months of each calendar year, be approved by the president of the association after approval by the association’s board of directors on the activities of the previous year and the results of the revenue and expenditure transactions by year end (presented in ANNEX-21 of the Association Regulations) Is given to the relevant municipal administrative authority.
Notification Obligation:
Article 18- Notifications to be made to the civil authority;
Notice of General Assembly Result:
Within the thirty days following the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings, a “General Assembly Notice of Conclusion” and annexes containing the principal and substitute members elected to the management or supervisory boards and other bodies (presented in Annex 3 of the Association Regulations) and annexes shall be submitted by the chairman of the board of directors to the relevant administrative directorate Reported:
To announce the results of the General Assembly;
1- An example of the minutes of the General Assembly meeting signed by the Chairman of the Assembly, the Deputy Chairmen and the secretary,
2- If the regulation has been changed, the new and old form of the material changes
Every page of the final version of the statute is signed by the board of directors.
Notification of Immovables:
The immovables to which the association is to be registered shall be notified to the administrative authority of the municipality by filling in the “Immovable Property Notification” within thirty days from the registration of the property (presented in the Appendix Regulations of the Association Regulations).
Notice of Getting Help Abroad:
If the aid is to be received from abroad, the Association shall fill in two copies of the “Notice of Receipt of Assistance Abroad” (as specified in Annex-4 of the Association Regulations) before receiving the aid and notify the civilian authority.
In the notification form, an example of a decision of the board of directors taken in order to receive assistance from abroad, a protocol, contract and other similar documents prepared in this regard and an example of a receipt, extra and similar document related to the account to which the aid is transferred is added.
It is compulsory to receive the cash benefits through the banks and to fulfill the notification condition before use.
Joint Projects Implemented with Public Institutions and Organizations Related Notice:
The protocol and project sample (related to the Association Regulations Annex-23) related to the joint projects carried out by the public institutions and organizations on the issues related to the association’s duties are added to the “Project Notification” and given to the governorship of the place where the association center is located within one month following the protocol date
Notification of Changes:
Amendments to the organization of the association except for the general assembly meeting of the “Change of Settlement Site” (as specified in ANNEX-24 of the Association Regulations) Amendments made in association bodies (Annex 25 of the Association Regulations) “Amendment Notification of Association Organs” Shall be notified to the civilian authority within thirty days following the amendment.
The amendments made in the charter of the association shall be notified to the civilian authority administration within thirty days following the general assembly meeting in which the charter amendment is made,
Association Internal Audit:
Article 19- Internal auditing may be carried out by the general assembly, board of directors or supervisory board of the Association, or independent auditing bodies may be audited. The fact that the auditors are audited by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors or independent auditors does not remove the obligation of the audit board.
Audit committee audits the building once a year at the latest. The general assembly or the board of directors may conduct audits when necessary or may audit the independent auditors.
Derivation Borrowing Procedures :
Article 20- In case the Association is required to carry out its purpose and to carry out its activities, it may borrow with the decision of the board of directors. This borrowing can be done in cash or in the purchase of goods and services with credits. However, this borrowing can not be made in a quantity that can not be covered by the sources of income of the association and the association can not be qualified to fall into the difficulty of payment.
Foundation of the Association of Branches:
Article 21- The Association may open branches at the places where it is deemed necessary by the resolution of the General Assembly. For this purpose, the founder board of at least three persons authorized by the association management board shall give the branch establishment notification and the required documents specified in the Regulations of Associations to the highest administrative authority of the place to be opened.
Duties and Authorities of the Branches::
Article 22-The branches are organizations in charge of autonomous activities in the direction of the objectives and services of the association that can not be legal entities and are responsible for their duties and obligations arising from all their transactions.
The Orders of the Branches and the Provisions to be Applied to the Branches:
Article 23-The organs of the branch are the general assembly, the board of directors and the board of auditors.
The General Assembly is composed of branches of registered members. The board of directors shall be elected by five general and five reserves, and the audit committee shall be elected by three general and three reserve members at the branch general assembly.
The duties and authorities of these organs and other provisions relating to the association in this regulation shall also apply to the branch in accordance with the legislation.
How to Meet the General Meetings of the Branches and How to Represent the General Meetings of the Headquarters:
Article 24-The branches are obliged to finish the ordinary meetings of the general assembly at least two months before the general meeting of the general assembly.
The ordinary general meeting of the branches shall be convened every 3 (three) years, in the month of May, the day and the place to be determined by the branch management board.
Branches must report an example of the general meeting’s conclusion to the head of the property administration and the headquarters of the association within thirty days of the date of the meeting.
The branches are represented by elective and natural delegates in the general headquarters general assembly. If the chairman of the board of directors’ board of auditors is a natural delegate, for each twenty (20) members registered in the branch (1), the number of remaining members is more than 10 or the total number of members is less than 20, As delegate, has the right to participate in the general headquarters general assembly on behalf of the branch.
Delegates selected at the last branch general assembly attend the General Headquarters General Assembly. Members of the headquarters management and supervisory board participate in the headquarters general meeting, but can not vote unless they are elected on behalf of the branch.
Those who are in charge of the management or audit committees of the branches are removed from their posts when they are elected to the headquarters management or supervisory board.
Opening Representation:
Article 25-The Association may open a representative office by the decision of the board of directors in order to carry out the activities of the association where deemed necessary. The address of the representative shall be communicated in writing to the administrative authority of the place by the person or persons appointed by the decision of the board of directors. Representatives may not be represented in the General Assembly. Branch offices can not open representation.
How to Change the Rules:
Article 26-Regulation change can be made by the decision of the general assembly.
In order to be able to amend the statutes in the general assembly, a majority of the members who are entitled to attend and vote in the general assembly are sought. If the meeting is postponed due to the failure to achieve the majority, no majority will be sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting can not be less than two times the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.
The majority of decisions required for amendments to the statute are two-thirds of the votes of the members present and voting right. In the general assembly, the amendment of the charter is made openly.
Form of Liquidation of Derivative and Commodity Assets:
Article 27 – The general assembly may decide to terminate the association at any time.
In the General Assembly, a majority of the members who are entitled to attend and vote in the General Assembly are called for the termination of the termination. If the meeting is postponed due to the failure to achieve the majority, no majority will be sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting can not be less than two times the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.
The majority of decisions required for the cancellation order are two-thirds of the votes of the members who attend the meeting and have the right to vote. In the general assembly, the termination decision is made openly.
Liquidation Procedures:
When a general meeting is canceled, the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association is made by the liquidation board composed of the members of the last board of directors. These proceedings shall commence on the date of the receipt of the decision of the general meeting relating to the termination or the termination of the termination of the spontaneous termination. The term “Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Association in Liquidation” is used on behalf of the association in all operations within the liquidation period.
The liquidation committee is responsible and authorized to complete the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association from the beginning to the end in accordance with the legislation. This committee first examines the association’s accounts. During the examination, the books, receipts, expenditure documents, title deeds and bank records and other documents belonging to the association are identified and their assets and liabilities are linked to a memorandum. During the liquidation proceedings, the members of the association are called in, and if they are found, the money is paid to the buyer. In the event that the association is credited, the receivables will be collected. All money, property and rights remaining after collection and payment of receivables are transferred to the place determined in the general assembly. In the general assembly, if the place to transfer is not determined, it is transferred to the association which has the highest number of members on the date closest to its purpose and to which it is annulled.
All liquidation proceedings shall be indicated in the liquidation proceedings and the liquidation proceedings shall be completed within three months, excluding the additional periods given based on a justifiable reason for the property administration authorities.
After the completion of the liquidation and transfer of the money, goods and rights of the association, the liquidation committee shall notify the head of the local administration where the association’s headquarters is located within seven days by the liquidation committee and the addition of the liquidation memorandum shall be made.
It is the duty of the members of the last board of directors to keep the books and documents of the association as a liquidation committee. This duty can be conferred to a board of member too. These books and records must be kept for five years.
Article 28– The founders’ board of the National Association of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis is composed of the following names.
Dr.Gürkan Uncu
Dr.Aydın Arıcı
Dr.Mustafa Bahceci
Dr.Koray Elter
Dr.Faruk Buyru
Dr.Yücel Karaman
Dr.Engin Oral